Brand Name: Amdro
*Sub Brand: Ant Block
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 24 oz.
*Safe for Pets: No
*Pest Type: Ants
*Odorless: Yes
*Product Form: Granules
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Active Ingredient: Hydramethylnon
*Packaging Type: Bottled
BioAdvanced Complete Insect Killer 11.5
*Sub Brand: Complete
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 11.5 lb.
*Odorless: Yes
*Active Ingredient: 2.3 percent Carbaryl and 0.058 percent Bifenthrin
*Pest Type: Crawling/Flying Insects
*Safe for Pets: No
*Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Product Form: Granules
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Residual Protection: Yes
Bonide Dragoon Dust 4lb.
*Sub Brand: Dragoon Dust with Copper
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 4 lb.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 1280 sq. ft.
*Product Form: Dust
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bag
*Odorless: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Carbaryl, Basic Copper Sulphate
*Pest Type: Diseases/Insects
Brand Name: EcoSmart
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Product Form: Granules
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Odorless: Yes
*Coverage Area: 2,000-5,000 sq. ft.
*Pest Type: Crawling Insects
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Active Ingredient: Eugenol, Thyme Oil
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Ready to Use: Yes
Bonide Eight Garden Soil Granules 3#
*Sub Brand: Eight Flower & Vegetable Soil Insect Granules
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insecticide
*Container Size: 3 lb.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Pest Type: Earwigs/Weevils
*Coverage Area: 1500 sq. ft.
*Packaging Type: Jug
*Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin
*Odorless: No
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Product Form: Granules
Brand Name: Amdro
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 6 oz.
*Active Ingredient: (S)-Methoprene
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Odorless: Yes
*Pest Type: Ants
*Organic: No
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Safe for Pets: No
*Product Form: Granules
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Kills fire ants, imported and native and other ants
* Ideal for mound treatment
* Kills the queen fast and destroys the mound
Brand Name: Amdro
*Sub Brand: Ant Block
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 1 lb.
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Odorless: Yes
*Pest Type: Ants
*Active Ingredient: Hydramethylnon
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Product Form: Granules
*Organic: No
*Kills the queen fast
* Destroys the mound
* Made for mound treatment
Over n' Out Advanced Fire Ant Killer
*Sub Brand: Over n Out Advanced
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Fire Ant Killer
*Container Size: 11.5 lb.
*Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Pets: No
*Pest Type: Ants
*Active Ingredient: Zeta Cypermethrin and Bifenthrin
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Product Form: Granules
*Packaging Type: Bag
*Odorless: Yes
Brand Name: Spectracide
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Fire Ant Killer
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Product Form: Granules
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Pest Type: Ants
*Active Ingredient: Lambda-Cyhalothrin
*Odorless: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Animal Type: Spreader
*Safe for Pets: No
*Use on lawns
* Kills the queen and the colony
* Limits new mound formation
* Starts to kill in minutes
* Season long control
Ortho Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules 1
*Product Type: Fire Ant Killer
*Container Size: 11.5 lb.
*Product Form: Granules
*Pest Type: Ants
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: No
*Organic: No
*Active Ingredient: 0.2% Bifenthrin
*Effectiveness Duration: 6 month
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Keeps new mounds from forming
*Fast-acting formula kills mounds in 15 minutes
*Kills both mound and queen
*Sub Brand: One-Shot
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Fire Ant Killer
*Container Size: 1.5 lb.
*Active Ingredient: Indoxacarb 0.016%
*Pest Type: Fire Ants
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Product Form: Granules
*Packaging Type: Jug
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
Brand Name: Ortho
*Sub Brand: Orthene
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 12 oz.
*Pest Type: Ants
*Odorless: No
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Safe for Pets: No
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Active Ingredient: Aecphate
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Product Form: Powder
*Kill foraging ants, the queen, and their mound with Ortho® Orthene® Fire Ant Killer 1. It is guaranteed to kill?or your money back!
Brand Name: BioAdvanced
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 12 lb.
*Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Odorless: Yes
*Active Ingredient: 0.25 percent Imidacloprid plus 6-0-1 fertilizer
*Residual Protection: Yes
*Safe for Pets: No
*Pest Type: Grubs/Insects
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Product Form: Granules
*Safe for Edibles: No
Brand Name: BioAdvanced
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Grub and Insect Control
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Odorless: Yes
*Pest Type: Grubs/Insects
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Residual Protection: No
*Product Form: Granules
*Safe for Pets: No
*Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Active Ingredient: 9.3 percent Dylox
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Formerly sold as Bayer Advanced
Bonide Systemic Granules Houseplant 8oz.
*Sub Brand: Systemic Houseplant
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 8 oz.
*Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid, 1- 6-Cchloro-3-pyridnyl
*Odorless: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Pest Type: Ants/Roaches/Spiders
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Product Form: Granules
Tim-bor Professional Insecticide & Fungici
*Sub Brand: Tim-Bor Professional Insecticide
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insecticide
*Container Size: 1.5 lb.
*Product Form: Dust
*Residual Protection: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Active Ingredient: 98% Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Pest Type: Carpenter Ants/Termites
*Safe for Pets: No
*Odorless: Yes
Brand Name: BioAdvanced
*Sub Brand: Complete
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer for Lawns
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Active Ingredient: 0.05 percent B-Cyfluthrin and 0.15 percent Imidacloprid
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Product Form: Granules
*Pest Type: Mosquitoes/Ticks
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Odorless: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Safe for Pets: No
*Coverage Area: 10000 sq. ft.
*Formerly sold as Bayer Advanced
Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Lawns
*Sub Brand: Home Defense
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Pest Type: Fleas
*Safe for Pets: No
*Product Form: Granules
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 5300 sq. ft.
*Odorless: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Bifentrhin
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Safe around kids and pets
*Provides long-lasting insect control
*Fast, effective, targeted and easy to use
*No smell, no residue, quick dry
*Provides effective control on a wide variety of insects
*Very effective against ants, fleas, ticks, and spiders
*Provides a barrier for insects coming from outside into the home
Brand Name: Spectracide
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Fire Ant Killer
*Container Size: 3.5 lb.
*Product Form: Granules
*Pest Type: Ants
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Active Ingredient: Lambda-Cyhalothrin
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Animal Type: Sprinkle
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Odorless: Yes
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Brand Name: St. Gabriel Organics
*Sub Brand: Milky Spore Granular
*Organic: Yes
*Product Type: Grub and Insect Control
*Container Size: 20 lb.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Odorless: Yes
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Pest Type: Japanese Beetles
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Coverage Area: 7000 sq. ft.
*Product Form: Granules
*Active Ingredient: Spores of Bacillus Popilliae
*Residual Protection: Yes
Brand Name: TERRO
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Ant Killer
*Container Size: 3 lb.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Active Ingredient: Lambda-cyhalothrin
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Product Form: Granules
*Pest Type: Ants
*Packaging Type: Bagged
All-in-1 Rose & Flower Care RTU Granules
*Sub Brand: All-In-One Rose & Flower Care
*Product Form: Granules
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Plant Food
*Container Size: 4 lb.
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Fertilizer Analysis (N-P-K): 6-9-6
*Plant Type: Roses and Flowers
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Product Form: Granules
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Plant Food
*Container Size: 5 lb.
*Plant Type: Rose & Flower
*Fertilizer Analysis (N-P-K): 6-9-6
*Concentrated: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Jug
Scotts GrubEx Season Long Grub Killer
*Sub Brand: GrubEx
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Grub and Insect Control
*Container Size: 14.35 lb.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: No
*Product Form: Granules
*Active Ingredient: Chloratraniliprole
*Odorless: No
*Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Pest Type: Grubs/Insects
Sevin Insect Killer Granules 10 lb.
*Organic: No
*Product Type: Insect Killer
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Coverage Area: 10000 sq. ft.
*Active Ingredient: Zeta Cypermethrin
*Packaging Type: Bag
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Product Form: Granules
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Pest Type: All Insects
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Easy-to-use granules kill and control insect pests in lawns, home perimeters and ornamental and edible plantings
*Load your lawn spreader and apply granules at recommended rates
*Water thoroughly to release the active ingredient and reach pests where they hide
*Fast acting
*Protects up to 3 months
*Visible results in minutes
SLUG/SNAIL KILLER 1.5LB *Brand Name: Bonide *Sub Brand: Slug Magic *Organic: Yes *Product Form: Pellets *Product Type: Insect Killer *Container Size: 1.5 lb *Active Ingredient: Iron Phosphate *Coverage Area: 1000 sq ft *Pest Type: Slugs and Snails *Ready to Use: No *Odorless: No *Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor *Safe for Edibles: No *Safe for Pets: Yes *ResidualProtection: Yes *Packaging Type: Bottle *Discovery ACC